Sons of Sherlock
The Sons of Sherlock are Messrs Murray, Brook and Horsfield of 221SoS Baker Street, united in a passion to promulgate the finest Sherlock Holmes related literature and aids to modern living - united, also, in the house arrest that, through intricate plea-bargaining and those Daguerrotypes of the Judge with A Certain Personage, saved them from the hangman's noose.
You will have heard much of the Sons of Sherlock - much that is of the most vulgar and sensationalist tone, tawdry headlines calculated to inflame the base passions of the most ignoble in our society. Be not afraid! For 92% of these alleged deeds have been scientifically disproved by Mr James Clerk Maxwell of the Royal Society. The other 8% were committed under such a noxious haze of ether and Moldovan snuff that Messrs Murray, Brook and Horsfield cannot remember which one of them did it. So you have a two in three chance of being fine.
The Enlightenment Society of New Brunswick and the Marylebone Impracticals heartily endorse these publications for the improved understanding of Sherlock Holmes in every corner of England and the Colonies. If you are dissatisfied with the crime-solving capabilities of your local constabulary, we urge you to commit a murder or comparable crime - your constabulary will in the end only thank you for the opportunity to learn and improve.
Mr Andrew Murray, formerly Mr Osgoode 'Ozymandias' Trelawny. Builder of seventeen 'unsinkable' leviathans. Wanted for multiple counts of gross industrial negligence, and the culpable homicides by drowning of 2,321 British Crown Subjects and 349 foreign persons, including the entire Royal Circus of Warsaw, all but one of the Woolwich Lackadasicals First XI, and a Carpathian nun.
Mr Murray would like to employ you on the sea trials of his latest maritime marvel. He hopes you can swim.
Mr Deakin Brook, A.K.A. The Demon Book Binder of Bishopsgate. Feel free to browse the volumes on his shelves, but be aware that not putting a book back, where you found it, properly on the shelf and not dumped on top of the other books, is an offense punishable by... let's just say it's best not to study the leather of the book-bindings too closely...
Mr Russell Horsfield, A.K.A. Jacques the Stippler, wanted for the murders of Claude Monet, James Whistler and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, by drowning in turps, aggravated pointillism and culpable chiaroscurocide, in the Giverny Garden Massacre of 1882.
Monsieur Jacques wants to paint your picture. Best if you smile.