What are you most afraid of? For me, it used to be spiders but now it’s getting behind the wheel of a car. As a child I would have given myself a solid 9/10 for arachnophobia, but in the decades since it has waned to perhaps a 5. Certainly still couldn’t pick a large one up.
I carry the most misleading clean driver’s licence in the UK – passed without issue in the 90s, was carless for many years, and on purchasing my first actual car to call my own my confidence plummeted until I couldn’t get out of the end of the road. Still, it’s a useful ID, and perhaps I can learn again from scratch at some point in the future, and at least wouldn’t have to take the test.
I’m also not good with tight collars and polo necks. What really gets to you? I have a new book series out for readers aged 7-10, FEAR RESCUE, and Book One deals with coulrophobia, which of course as you know is a fear of clowns. What fear would you make Book Two about?
You can get a free copy of Fear Rescue at www.andrewmurray.info