Buddy and Elvis
In class, Buddy and Elvis thought planet earth sounded so much fun that they skipped alien school and decided to pay us a visit.
On arrival, Buddy and Elvis slightly misjudge the planet’s pecking order and trade places with two unsuspecting pets. With the aid of special collars, the pair transform into cat and dog, whilst the ‘real’ pets are sent back to alien school in their place as cover!
Life as aliens disguised as pets takes some getting used to though; their dinner gets handed out in bowls on the floor and they have inherited some peculiar species habits...
Buddy and Elvis is in television development with Illuminated Films and Comet Entertainment. Look out for them on your Earthling tellybox!
Ghost Rescue
"Are you a ghost who's getting grief? Well now, at last, Ghost Rescue's here. We promise we will listen, and we will try our best to help!"
When Charlie goes on a trip to Fairfax Castle, he meets a family of very unhappy ghosts. They are being forced to sing songs against their will! Can Charlie rescue them and find them somewhere less entertaining to haunt?
On a Tall, Tall Cliff
On a tall, tall cliff there are two little houses. The house nearest the edge is where Puffle lives. From the edge he can look ... down ......down ......to the deep dark rocks far below.
One day, Busby asks to borrow EVERYTHING from Puffle's house -- even the walls and roof! It seems a lot to ask -- but it will really help! He doesn't realise it yet, but in bringing his entire house to Busby, Puffle is saved from a terrible fate... The cliff edge nearest Puffle's house is crumbling and is going to fall down, down, down to the deep dark rocks, far below...
Og the Dog and the Uninventor
Jack and his dog, Og, are very happy together. That is, until the Uninventor starts uninventing things! Imagine what the world would be like with no wheels, no money, no hair, no colours and no sound. It is a very funny place indeed! Og and Jack are very confused - and then the Uninventor goes a step too far . . . This original and thought-provoking tale features use of alliteration, metre and rhyme.
Children's Books
Fear Rescue
Clowns are coming to CLOWN YOU UP!
Clown nightmares are no laughing matter when you own a circus, and Buckminster Bandersnatch needs help. But who can he turn to? That’s when he sees the ad:
You can’t dial 999 when you feel afraid...
But we know it’s an emergency for YOU!
So visit FEAR RESCUE now:
With our unique fear technique, we can help you rescue YOURSELF!
Fear Rescue are fear-readers, with the power to enter your mind and journey deep into your dreams and desires to discover the root of your darkest fears. And Holigo Darkly is an expert in the fear of clowns. Why? Because he’s terrified of clowns himself…
It’s a race against time for Holigo to explore Buckminster’s mind, battling the clowns and following the clues to uncover the cause of his nightmares. Because if the nightmares continue, and Buckminster Bandersnatch keeps waking to his own screams -
“Don’t clown me!
Don’t clown me!
Don’t clown me!”
- then one of these mornings Buckminster Bandersnatch is going to lose his mind…
Sherlock - Prisoner 221B
Do you ever wish that you knew a world-class hero?
Do you ever fear that you know a world-class villain?
Holiga Darkly knows both, but she’s not always sure which one is which…
When Sherlock Holmes is found guilty, on YouTube for all the world to see, of raiding the Crown Jewels, he has to be the villain – right? And when Billionaire Bizz Kid Moriarty restores the Jewels and saves the day, he has to be the hero – right?
But in a world watched over by Moriarty’s all-seeing eye, not everything is what it seems. Sometimes a dead man can win the London Marathon... Sometimes a reflection can be the face of a stranger... Sometimes a prison can be a fortress... Sometimes the cyber-hunter can become the hunted…
And sometimes the greatest hero is the one you discover within yourself…